One of my neighbors and I have been bringing each other baked goods for a while. They love cake and…

Gluten-free Lye Rolls
One of my favorite ways to eat bread is in the form of soft pretzels and lye rolls/bars. These are…

Mingle-Mangle Bread with Buttery Pumpkin Seed Crust
Halli hallo! Oh, bread and I: we’re not good friends. Yet. It’s odd, my baking skills are well developed. I…

Potato Gratin with Side Salad
As I wrote in my last post, autumn is fast approaching here in Germany. While I am very sad that…

Gluten-Free Roasted Walnut and Dried Fig Scones Topped with Allspice
Өглөөний мэнд! In my last post on cheese scones, I should have added that I obviously wanted to bake the…

Humintas en Chala al Horno
Buenas tardes! One of the reasons I knew that I would be all right after being diagnosed as celiac, was…

Cheese Scones
Good Day! A friend of mine was recently gifted with scones. Two types actually, one with cheese and the others…