When I lived in Ankara, Turkey, I was an awkward fourteen-year-old with glasses, who listened to Green Day and Nirvana…

Vegetarian and Gluten-free Spring Rolls
Sometimes, the thing you love, doesn’t love you back. When you approach it, it takes a step back, when you…

Almost Vegan Bibimbap
Have you ever thought about doing something really stupid? Well, recently I did and it took me a bit of…

Will you be my Sweet Potato Gnocchi Carnivalentine?
Ah, Valentine’s Day. The nemesis of singles and those who hate commercial holidays. And here in Cologne, as I already…

Gluten-free Tuscan Tomato Bread
Welcome, February! Here in Cologne, this means: carnival! It translates into going to work and sharing the subway with superman,…

Cajun Style Tofu
I’m a huge sucker for burgers. Yum! Can a vegetarian be obsessed with burgers? But of course! There are an…

Cheese Fondue
Gruezi! It’s winter, and spring and fall – all in one day. That kind of describes the weather here currently.…

Gluten-free Churros
I have happy memories of Churros. When I lived in Bolivia for three years in the nineties, my mom and…

Egg-less Chocolate and Chestnut Semifreddo
Happy New Year, everyone! Welcome to 2015! Are you excited? Have any great plans or resolutions? Or are you still…

Oven-baked Mushrooms
It’s the last day of 2014. Wow. Another year over, a new year just around the corner. So what are…