When I was little, my parents (or grandparents) gave me a book about Christmas.
It had a blue cover with a Santa, angels and a big Christmas tree and it was full of stories, songs (which you could play on an instrument or sing along to), cookie recipes and ideas for wintery craft projects (e.g. making origami stars or decorating oranges with cloves). There was one item, often spanning several of the large pages, for each day to guide you through the holiday season. I loved this book and for many years it was a go-to resource for my brother and I whenever December came.
By the time we outgrew the book, it was tattered, the spine had peeled off and been lost, the cover torn off and taped back on again (with a long band aid – out of all things!). I remember singing along to many of the songs, reading (and being read to) many of the stories over and over and also making some of the recipes. The cookies were, of course, easy. Among them was a recipe for coconut macaroons, a holiday classic here in Germany. I think it was the first recipe from this book that we made.Funny enough, I’ve always been a macaroon fan. Like I had a knack for gluten-free foods even though I had no idea I had celiac disease, I also opted for gluten-free holiday cookies. This is a great relief for my mother, who was a little sad when she discovered I could no longer have her baked goods. Macaroons were among my favorite cookies and most years I only made them (in three varieties, featuring hazelnuts, almonds – or coconuts) and used the egg yolk to make Vanillekipferl. I didn’t think four types of cookies were a whole lot of have around during the holiday season, but I was perfectly happy with just those four kinds. They were all I needed. I still love coconut macaroons (hazelnut and almond macaroon recipes are coming soon here on the blog!) and they are still among the first batch of cookies that I make each year. Macaroons are both easy and delicious, and so light and fluffy! Make them! You know you want to!
Gluten-free Coconut Macaroons
4 egg whites
200g fine sugar
1 dash cinnamon
200g desiccated coconut
Optional: gluten-free wafers (about 40 pieces; they keep the macaroons fresh for a longer period of time)
Line a baking tin with baking parchment. Turn your oven to 130°C.
Beat the egg whites until stiff. Add the sugar. Once the sugar and the egg-whites have created a homogenous mass. Add the cinnamon.
Add the desiccated coconut and give it another stir until you have a smooth and even batter.
If you have them, place the gluten-free wafers on the baking parchment. Using a tablespoon, place little mounds onto the baking parchment. Repeat with the remainder of the batter, ensuring to leave sufficient space between the macaroons and to make mounds of the same size.
Then, place the baking tin into the oven and bake the coconut macaroons for about twenty to twenty-five minutes (until the edges are golden-brown). Remove from oven and allow to cool a little prior to removing cookies from baking parchment.
Repeat with the remainder of the cookie batter until it has been used up.
These keep well in a sealed cookie tin.